
You can use the display command to view the entire information about the item definitions of the same type.


You can configure the command line syntax with different parameters to view specific results. In this way, you can view the information about one or the entire item definitions of the same type available in the database. The details for each item are displayed as described in the following table.
Table 1. Output format for displaying items
items Details
  • Calendar name
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Name
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Variable Table Name
  • Variable Name
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Variable Table Name
  • Default
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
job definition
  • Workstation
  • Job Definition Name
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Job definition
job stream
  • Workstation
  • Job Stream Name
  • Valid From
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • job stream definition
  • Username
  • Workstation
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • User definition
  • Workstation Name
  • Type
  • Ignored
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Workstation definition
access control list
  • Name
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Access control list definition
security role
  • Name
  • Updated On
  • Locked By
  • Security role definition

Syntax and command line options

You must provide at least one scheduling or security item with the command to perform the action.
ocli model display | di Scheduling or Security item
For the list of scheduling or security items that you can use and the required format, see the following tables.
Scheduling and Security items
Table 2. Scheduling items
Scheduling items Description
calendars | calendar | cal [folder/]calname You can specify the name of the calendar and optionally, the folder in which the calendar is defined. If you do not specify the calname, all the calendar definitions are displayed. Wildcard characters are permitted.
folder | fol foldername You can specify the name of the folder. If you do not provide the foldername, all the folder definitions are displayed. Wildcard characters are permitted.
jobs | jobdefinition | jd [[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jobname If you provide a specific jobname only that particular job definition is displayed and if not, all the job definitions are displayed. You can provide [folder/]workstationame#] and the folder in which the job is defined to make the selection more specific. Wildcard characters are permitted.
sched | jobstream | js [[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jstreamname[valid from date|valid to date |valid in date date][;full] If you provide a specific jstreamname only that particular job stream definition is displayed and if not, all the job stream definitions are displayed. You can provide [folder/]workstationame#] and the folder in which the job stream is defined to make the selection more specific. Wildcard characters are permitted. You can also add the options below to provide more details of the job stream.

Valid from date: You can specify a date which will restrict the selection of job streams, that have a valid from date equal to the value specified. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.

Valid to date: You can specify a date which will restrict the selection of job streams, that have a valid to date equal to the value specified. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.

valid in date date: Specify the time frame at which the job is run. You can specify one of the dates as @. The format is mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy.

full: If you add the option, all the job definitions in the job stream are displayed.

parms | parm | variable | vb [[folder/]tablename.]variablename You must provide the [[folder/]tablename.]variablename to view a specific variable within a specific table. If you specify the variablename only, the variable definition in the default variable is displayed. If you do not provide the [[folder/]tablename.]variablename, all the global variable definitions in the default variable table are displayed. Wildcard characters are permitted on both [folder/]tablename and variablename.
users | user [[folder/]workstationame#]username] If you provide a specific username only that particular user definition is displayed and if not, all the user definitions are displayed. You can provide [folder/]workstationame#] and the folder in which the user is defined to make the selection more specific. Wildcard characters are permitted.
vartable | vt [folder/]tablename You can specify the name of the variable table and optionally, you can provide the folder in which the variable table is defined. If you do not specify the tablename, all the variable table definitions are displayed. Wildcard characters are permitted.
workstation | ws | cpu {[folder/]workstationame} You can specify the name of the workstation and optionally, you can provide the folder in which the items are located. Wildcard characters are permitted.
Table 3. Security items
Security items Description
accesscontrollist | acl foldername|F+foldername|A+ADMIN If you specify the foldername|F+foldername|A+ADMIN, the access control list definition for a particular folder is displayed and if not, the access control list definitions for all the folders are displayed. Wildcard characters are permitted.

foldername|F+foldername: You can specify the option if you want to filter out the lists that are associated with a folder. The security roles are valid, only for the items available in the folder.

A+ADMIN: You can specify this option, if you want to filter out the lists that allows specific permissions on API keys (that are not defined in folders) and on agent registration action.

securityrole | srol securityrolename If you specify the securityrolename, the security role definition for that particular security role is displayed and if not, the security role definitions for all the security roles are displayed. Wildcard characters are permitted.


  1. Run the following command to display all calendars:
    ocli model display calendars=@
    The sample output is as follows:
     Calendar Name     Updated On  Locked By
     ----------------  ----------  ---------------------
     HOLIDAYS          12/31/2018  was18
       01/01/2020 02/15/2020 05/31/2020
     Calendar Name     Updated On  Locked By
     ----------------  ----------  ---------------------
     MONTHEND          01/01/2020  -
       "Month end dates 1st half 2020"
       01/31/2020 02/28/2020 03/31/2020 04/30/2020 05/31/2020 06/30/2020
     Calendar Name     Updated On  Locked By
     ----------------  ----------  ---------------------
     PAYDAYS           01/02/2020  -
       01/15/2020 02/15/2020 03/15/2020 04/15/2020 05/14/2020 06/15/2020