Job definition

This topic introduces the job definition, that can be managed from the Orchestration CLI and from the Dynamic Workload Console.

A job definition is a unit of work that specifies an action to be performed on specific workstations in the HCL Universal Orchestrator network, such as call a REST API, run a Kubernetes job, or extract data from the database.

Job definitions can be modified either before or after their run. After having updated a job definition, you have to rerun it, but the job definition in the database does not change. If you submit a single job, a job stream with the same name is created and submitted. The job stream contains only the job you submitted.

For more information about available job types, see Automation Hub.

For information about how to define variables in job definitions, see Using variables in HCL Universal Orchestrator jobs.

You can also manipulate and transform the data resulting from the job execution. For more information, see Data exchange and transformation