Special characters as wildcards and delimiters

When you want to use filters to select scheduling items in the database, you can use a list of selected special characters as wildcards and delimiters.


You can use the following special characters as wildcards in HCL Universal Orchestrator.
  • @: To indicate a null pattern or single character or more than one character (alphabets, numbers and/or alphanumeric).
    Example: T@S : The search result is displayed with all items starting with T and ending with S, with multiple characters between them, single characters between them, items named TS, and T@S in the database.
    If you want the results to be more specific, you can use ? which can replace a single character (alphabet, number and/or alphanumeric).
    Example: You can specify T?ST to find out items, such as TEST or T3ST.
    Important: If you want specific results with a particular special character, use a backslash (\) as prefix. For example, use T\?S, to find an item named T?S.
  • You can use /@/ in the syntax to indicate multiple folders. When you want to filter the scheduling items defined in folders, use the below syntax:
    1. /@/@ : The search result is displayed with all the job streams defined in all the folders. In this example, @ represents the job stream and /@/ represents the folder in which the job stream is defined.
    2. @#/@ : The search result is displayed with all items in all the job streams that are defined in the root folder (/). In this example, @# represents the workstation, / represents the root folder, and @ represents the job stream.
    3. @#@.@ : The search result is displayed with all items in all the jobs in all the job streams that are defined in the default folder. In this example, @# represents the workstation, @ represents the job stream, and .@ represents the job.
    4. /@/@#/@/@ : The search result is displayed with all items in all the job streams defined in all the folders in all the workstations that are defined in all the folders. In this example, the first instance of /@/ represents the folder in which the workstation is defined, @# represents the workstation, the second instance of /@/ represents the folder in which the job stream is defined, and @ represents the job stream.
    5. @#/@/@.@ : The search result is displayed with all items in all the jobs in all the job streams that are defined in all folders. In this example, @# represents the workstation, /@/ represents the folder in which the job stream is defined, @ represents the job stream, and .@ represents the job.


You can use the below list of special characters as delimiters.
Table 1. Special characters as delimiters
Characters Description
+ You can use the character to include a specific argument. For example,
sj payroll_job + at 0600
~ You can use the character to exclude a specific argument. For example,
sj payroll_job ~ at 0600
; You can use the character as a delimiter between arguments in a command. For example,
maxdur=80 ;onmaxdur kill
, You can use the character to add multiple values for an argument. For example,
state = done, succ, succp
= You can use the character to give the specific value for an argument. For example,
state = done