Recording an Express Logon Macro

To record an ELF macro, do the following:
  1. Choose Actions from the WorkStation-window menu-bar.

    The Actions pull-down menu appears.

  2. Choose Start Recording Macro from the menu.

    The Record Macro/Script As dialog-box is displayed.

  3. Select the format of file to be recorded: VBScript or Plain text Macro, if you are recording an Express Logon Feature macro.
  4. Select the Record User Wait Time to be used. This affects only unconditional wait statements. There is no change for the interval in conditional wait statements (interval with condition). For these statements the interval is a time-out value, processing normally continues when the condition is satisfied. In most cases the script will fail if the time-out value expires before the condition is satisfied.
    • Actual- the default no change to existing function.
    • None - unconditional wait statements will not be written to the macro/script file. You have to edit the script and add any required unconditional wait statements where they are needed.
    • Fixed - unconditional wait statements will be written to the macro/script file with a fixed wait time of 25 ms. You may edit the script file and either increase the time interval or remove the wait statement if it not needed.
  5. Type the name of the file in which you want to save the macro.
  6. If you are recording an Express Logon Macro, select the Enable check box and enter the Express Logon Feature (ELF) Application ID.
  7. Click OK.

    The Record operation starts. In the Actions menu, Start Recording Macro/Script is changed to Stop Recording Macro/Script; Pause Recording Macro/Script and Cancel Recording Macro/Script are added.

  8. Record the keystrokes.
    • If, while you are recording, you choose Cancel Recording Macro/Script:

      The Record operation is canceled and nothing is saved. Cancel Recording Macro/Script and Pause Recording Macro/Script are removed from the pull-down list. Stop Recording Macro/Script is changed to Start Recording Macro/Script.

    • If, while you are recording, you choose Pause Recording Macro/Script:

      The Record operation is paused and Pause Recording Macro/Script is changed to Resume Recording Macro/Script.

    • If you choose Resume Recording Macro/Script:

      The Record operation is resumed and Resume Recording Macro/Script is changed to Pause Recording Macro/Script.

  9. When you want to end the recording, choose Stop Recording Macro/Script.

    The Record operation stops and the macro is saved in the file you named. Stop Recording Macro/Script is changed to Start Recording Macro/Script. Cancel Recording Macro/Script and Pause Recording Macro/Script are removed from the list.