
You can edit the contents of your session window using the Windows® clipboard and the Edit menu.
Note: When using copy/cut functions, Z and I Emulator for Windows takes the entire contents from the session window and places it on the clipboard. To copy or cut only marked sections from the session window, you need to update the Cut/Copy options. To update the Cut/Copy options, do the following:
  1. Click Settings → Edit.
  2. From the Edit Options window, select the Cut/Copy tab.
  3. From the Cut/Copy page, select the Only if a trim-rectangle is marked check box.
  4. Close the Edit Options window.
Cancels the most recent Edit operation, except for Copy Link, and restores the contents of the session window and the clipboard accordingly.
Copies the marked area into the clipboard and removes it from the display session window.
Copies (or duplicates) the marked area into the clipboard without removing it from the display session window.
Copy Append
Copies the marked area into the clipboard without removing it from the display session window. If there is already data in the clipboard, Copy Append adds the new data to it.
Copy As Image
Copies the marked area as a bitmap into the clipboard. If no area is marked, Copy As Image captures the entire presentation space as bitmap.
Note: Undo functionality is not supported for Copy As Image.
Overlays the current contents of the clipboard into the session window, starting at the current cursor position.
Paste Next
If not all data was pasted, Paste Next is enabled and the remaining clipboard data can be pasted.
Removes the marked area of the session window. The clipboard contents are not altered.
Copy Link
Supports the DDE Copy Link function. To start a link between Z and I Emulator for Windows and another application program, mark an area of the session window, select Copy Link, and then select Paste Link in the other application program.
Note: The command you should use for Paste Link or Paste Special depends on the application program you are using.
Find text in Presentation Space of a display session. The text found is highlighted on screen. The search can be case sensitive or insensitive.
Send to Scratch Pad
Sends the selected contents of the Presentation Space into the Scratch Pad of the corresponding session.
Removes the clipping (or marking) rectangle. The session window and the clipboard contents are not altered.
Select All
Marks the entire session window.