Default Color Settings

If a user has enabled this function and needs to apply the "Default" color mapping configuration to all sessions, the 'DefaultColorConfig.CMP' file should be saved to the ZIEWin Application Data folder (based on type of installation). To make a new default color mapping configuration file, rename any "*.CMP" file to 'DefaultColorConfig.CMP'.

If a session does not have a Color Mapping file associated with it, the color mapping configuration from 'DefaultColorConfig.CMP' would be used by default. If the session already has a CMP file connected with it, the color mapping configuration in the CMP file will override the 'DefaultColorConfig.CMP' configuration.

For Example:

If a user has a Color mapping file associated with their session profile's file then the color mapping file would take priority over the 'DefaultColorConfig.CMP' file file in terms of keyword precedence.

Session Profile file name: ABC.WS

Color mapping file: ABC.CMP (associated with the session profile) has content as below:


BaseColorNormalUnprotected=24D830 000000

DefaultColorConfig.CMP have below contents:

BaseColorIntensifiedUnprotected=F01818 000000
BaseColorNormalUnprotected= F01818 F01818

The Session profile (ABC.WS) will read the value of BaseColorNormalUnprotected from the 'ABC.CMP' file and BaseColorIntensifiedUnprotected from the 'DefaultColorConfig.CMP' file.

  1. If this feature is enabled, the colors in Session Profile file will be ignored.
  2. The "DefaultColorConfig.CMP" has colors that users can set for all their session profile files. This could be different from the product default colors.
  3. The "DefaultColorConfig.CMP" file needs to be created manually by the user. This does not get created automatically by the system.