Installation procedure for Z and I Emulator for Web

This section contains instructions of installing ZIEWeb in Silent Mode.

Perform the following tasks to install ZIEWeb in Silent Mode:
#  /*
#  *+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  *| Licensed Materials - Property of HCL                                   |
#  *| (c) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2023.  All Rights Reserved.        |
#  *+------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  */

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	Silent Installation properties file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Multiple Instance Support
#       0 -> Does Not support Multiple Instance
#       1 -> To Support Multiple Instance
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Product Name it's an constant value. Multiple Instance
MI_PRODUCT_NAME=HCL Z and I Emulator for Web New Instance

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	HCL Z and I Emulator for Web IM Instance upgrade Support
#       0 -> Does Not IM ZIEWeb Upgrade Installation
#       1 -> To Support IM ZIEWeb Upgrade Installation
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Specify Product Name with Installation Path to Migrate Installation Manager installed Instance
IM_PRODUCT_NAME=Z and I Emulator for Web (C:\\Program Files\\HCL\\ZIEForWeb)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Installation Path
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
USER_INSTALL_DIR=C:\\Program Files\\HCL\\ZIEForWeb_2.1.0.0

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Language Pack Support
# 		0 -> Not Install Language Pack
# 		1 -> To Install Language Pack
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For Japanese Language Pack

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Publish Information
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Publish alias Name
# Publish Director name to install publish files
# Publish Port
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Web Server Configuration
# 		Web Server Type 
#   		1 -> Embedded Web server Type
#   		2 -> Detected Web server Type
#   		3 -> Manually select specific Web server Type
#   		4 -> No Web server Type
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	Embedded Web Server Type  HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Installation 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Web Server Port

# Web Server SSL Port

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	Detected Web server Type HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Installation
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Supported Web Server are APACHE or IIS

# If IIS Webserver type then specify ISS Website Name

# If Apache is selected for installation need to specify apache installed Config Path
# C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\conf\\httpd.conf
WEB_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\conf\\httpd.conf

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	Manual specify web server Type HCL Z and I Emulator for Web Installation
#   	1 -> Apache HTTP Server 2.2 or newer
#		2 -> IBM HTTP Server 8.5 or newer
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If Apache or HTTP Server is selected for installation need to specify Server Config Path
WS_MAN_CONFIG_FILE=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\conf\\httpd.conf

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 	HCL WebSphere Application Server Configuration
# 		0 -> without Application  Server Configuration
# 		1 -> To Configure WAS Application Server
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Application Server Name
APP_SERVER=HCL WebSphere Application Server V9.0
# Application server Profile Name
# WAS Server Name

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# System Level Configuration: Don't change below values until it requires.
# Reboot Parameter on uninstall and install scenarios
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
For more details, refer Installing a package silently by using a response file.
  • It is useful to maintain separate response files for different operating systems.
  • The pre-requisites for the console or the GUI mode of the installation (as applicable) are relevant in silent install mode as well. These include (but not limited to) the following :
    • The logged in user must have the administrator privileges.
    • In case where administrative security is enabled on WebSphere Application Server, configuration of the Z and I Emulator for Web Configuration Servlet is not supported during installation. You need to configure it manually.