Before the ZIEWeb Installation

A supported version of HTTP server (for example, IBM HTTP Server or Apache server) is installed on the system.

The Z and I Emulator for Web prerequisite are as below:
Table 1. Pre-requistes
Operating System Pre-requisite Additional Information
Windows Only Administrator can install Z and I Emulator for Web. Other than non-Admin user, can install with Administrator credentials.
AIX, Linux, Ubuntu Root User can install Z and I Emulator for Web. Other than non-root user, can install with root access.
z/OS, I5/OS Root User can install Z and I Emulator for Web with use on Pre installed Java Other than non-root user, can install with root access.
  1. Minimum 2GB disk space for installation and 2GB for a temporary directory for 64-bit architecture one language. This value increases by 4 to 8 MB for each language while installing more than one language.
  2. Minimum 4.5 GB for the multi-platform product repository (downloading and extracting).
  3. Java (1.8 and above) must be installed as a Prerequisite for ZOS, I5/OS, and PPC Linux Big Endian OS.
Note: Migration utility which is available in fix central, it can be used for the migration which has capabilities to update the session parameters, package all the custom files and HTML files and modify them according to Z and I Emulator for Web V2.0 requirement.

For more information, refer .