Installing in the Console Mode

Console mode installation user needs to enter the required input on panel input prompt displayed by installer.

Language console panel is displays the supported Language pack ID started from 1 to 24, suppose the user wants to support more than one language should enter the input using comma specified language ID (Ex : 1,5,8).

Table 1. Console Mode Requirement:
OS Type Command More Information
Windows HCL Z and I Emulator for Web ZIEWeb_Windows_x64.exe -i console Administrator user Command Prompt
Deployment Wizard ZIEWeb_DW_Windows_x64.exe -i console Administrator user Command Prompt
HACL Tool kit ZIEWeb_HACL_Windows_x64.exe -i console Administrator user Command Prompt
AIX Z and I Emulator for Web sh ./setup.bin -i console Root user Terminal client
Linux Z and I Emulator for Web sh ./setup.bin -i console Root user Terminal client
Ubuntu Z and I Emulator for Web sh ./setup.bin -i console Root user Terminal client
I5/OS Z and I Emulator for Web java -jar HCL_ZIEWeb_os400.jar -i console Root (qsh) shell Prompt
Z/OS Z and I Emulator for Web java -jar HCL_ZIEWeb_os390.jar -i console Root user account OMVS or ISPF shell prompt
Note: if you are installing for IBM iSeries, you are suggested reading Before installing ZIEWeb on IBM iSeries.