Specifying resource names in the Z Data Tools Base component Z Data Tools

The following functions in Z Data Tools (option "HFM" on the Primary Options Menu panel within ZDT/CICS) also accept a CICS resource name in the primary data set field as well as the supported MVS data set names.
Note: The options below are from the Z Data Tools ("base") main menu, not the ZDT/CICS main menu.
Functon Option
View 1
Edit 2
Data create 3.1
Print 3.2
Copy 3.3
Find/Change 3.6
Compare 3.11
To distinguish the CICS resource name from an MVS data set name, the following prefixes (including the colon character) are used:
CICS file
CICS temporary storage queue
CICS transient data queue
The name following the resource follows the same rules as the resource names described above. For example, you could specify FI:CICSFI01.
Note: The Z Data Tools Base function can only be used with local CICS resources (resources owned by the CICS region running ZDT/CICS).

A resource selection list is produced when a generic resource name is entered.

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