Working with ZDT/CICS utilities

To display the Utility Functions panel, select option 3 ("Utilities") from the Primary Options Menu panel.

Some of the utilities you can select are Z Data Tools Base component utilities. The numbers of the options for the Z Data Tools Base component utilities match the equivalent options on the Z Data Tools Base component Utilities Functions menu panel.

To find information about each utility on the Utility Functions panel, see the relevant section as shown in Sections describing utilities.
Table 1. Sections describing utilities
To find out more about this utility on the Primary Options Menu panel… See this section…
0 DBCS Set DBCS Format panel in the Z Data Tools User’s Guide and Reference
2 Print Printing a CICS resource
4 List Working with lists of CICS resources
5 Printdsn (Displays print output in full-screen mode)
6 Audit trail Print Audit Trail panel in the Z Data Tools User’s Guide and Reference

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