Setting your default processing options

Many of the processing operations performed by Z Data Tools utilize default values that can be set from within the ZDT/CICS application. By adjusting these values, you can customize ZDT/CICS so that its behavior is best suited to your needs. Your settings for these options are stored in your Z Common Components profile, and are invoked when you log in, regardless of which workstation you use.

You can update these default values by accessing the relevant processing option panel.

To access a processing option panel, use any one of the following methods:

  • From the Primary Options Menu panel:
    1. Select Option 0 (Settings). The Set Processing Options Menu panel is displayed.
    2. Select the required processing options type from the menu.
  • From any ZDT/CICS panel, use the Options pull-down menu to select the required processing options type:
    Figure 1. Options pull-down menu
      Process   Options   Help
     ZDT/CICS   1. Print settings                 │
               │    2. System settings                │
     0  Settin │    3. Compiler language selection    │      User ID . : WAGHORN
     1  View   │    4. COBOL compiler specifications  │      Appl ID . : HFM3
     2  Edit   │    5. HLASM compiler specifications  │      CICS User : CICSUSER
     3  Utilit │    6. PL/I compiler specifications   │      CICS Appl : C62D2FM3
     4  Templa │    7. Editor options                 │      Date. . . : 2008/07/09
     B  ZDT    │    8. VSAM Edit sharing options      │
     ZI ZDT/IMS│    9. Temporary Data Set Allocations │
     ZD ZDT/Db2│   10. Output Data Set Allocations    │
     X  Exit   │   11. ZCC settings                   │
     Processing Options:
      CICS Resource
      3  1. File
         2. Temporary Storage
         3. Transient Data
     Command ===>                                                                   
     F1=Help     F3=Exit     F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward  F10=Actions
  • On the command line of any ZDT/CICS panel, enter an equals sign (=), followed by the option number for the required processing type. For example, to display the Compiler Language Selection panel, enter =0.3.

When you select an option processing type, Z Data Tools displays a panel listing those options and their current values. The following notes apply to all of these option panels:

  • To change the value of an option, overtype its current value.
  • To save the options you have changed and exit the panel, press the Exit function key (F3).

    Changes are saved in your Z Common Components user profile for future ZDT/CICS sessions. They remain in effect until you change the option again.

  • To exit a panel without saving changes, press the Cancel function key (F12).
  • To reset all options on the panel to their installation defaults, enter RESET on the command line.

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