Changing terminal characteristics

Use the SETTINGS primary command (from any ZDT/CICS panel) to change various options and terminal characteristics that affect the way information is displayed on your screen.

You can enter the SETTINGS primary command directly, or select it from the Options pull-down menu.

When you enter the SETTINGS primary command, ZDT/CICS displays the ZCC Settings panel.

On the ZCC Settings panel, set the Z Common Components settings according to your needs:
Command line at bottom
Enter a "/" to place the command line and long message line at the bottom of your panel. Deselecting the option places the command line and long message line as they are specified in your panel definition (usually at the top of the panel).
Panel display CUA mode
Enter a "/" to display the panel in CUA mode. Action bars are displayed. The action bars are not displayed if you deselect the option.
Tab to action bar choices
Enter a "/" to use the Tab key to position the cursor on action bar choices when not running in GUI mode.

Replace the "/" with a blank to NOT use the Tab key to position the cursor on action bar choices.

Graphic border
If the action bar separator line or borders are not displayed correctly, you can force dotted lines by deselecting the graphic border option.
Screen format
Specify the screen format you require by typing a value (1–3).
Note: Changing to 24x80 (STD) display may not change the screen size for expandable panels that have been previously displayed with the DATA or MAX option.
Terminal type
Specify the terminal type you require by typing a value (1–2).

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