Report Columns

Though all the reports have similar functionality, they have different columns. All the columns pertaining to different reports are explained in the following tables.

Reports listed under Import tab

  1. IQ Import History
    Column Name Description
    System The name of the System the IQ scan was done on
    Operating System The operating system from the IQ scan
    IQ Scan Date The date the IQ was actually scanned
    Date Imported The date the IQ data was imported into TADz
    Sysplex The Sysplex name
    FULLREMATCH If a FULLREMATCH was done on the IQ data
    PRODUCTONLY If the PRODUCTONLY parm was set
    PLX If the IQ scan was for a Sysplex
    GKB Version The version of the GKB used during the match
    System Product The System Product collected on the system where the IQ scan was done
    System FMID The FMID from the System that was scanned
    z/OS Product id The PID of the System scanned
    z/OS Version The operating System level
    Hardware Type The hardware type
    Hardware Model The hardware model
    Hardware Serial The serial number of the hardware
    IQ Filter List of filters used during the IQ scan
  2. UM Import History
    Column Name Description
    System The name of the System the Usage Monitor was running on
    Usage Monitor Date The date the Usage data was actually scanned
    Date Imported The date the Usage data was imported into TADz
    Sysplex The Sysplex name
    Hardware Type The hardware type
    Hardware Model The hardware model
    Hardward Serial The serial number of the hardware
    Filter List of filters used during the Usage Monitor collection

Reports listed under Assets tab

  1. Machine Inventory
    Column Name Description
    Hardware Type The hardware type of the machine
    Hardware Model The hardware model of the machine
    Cap Model The model capacity of the LPAR
    Hardware Plant The Plant ID where the machine was manufactured
    Hardware Serial The hardware serial number of the machine
    Hardware Name The actual hardware name of the machine
    Type The type of item being shown. HW means physical machine
    LPAR Number The number of the LPAR defined for the machine (whereas LPAR is the logical partition.)
    LPAR Name The actual hardware name of the LPAR
    IP Address The IP address of the LPAR
    Hostname The hostname of the LPAR
    Period The period the Machine Inventory was scanned
    Last Update The last time the Machine was scanned
    CEC MSU The total MSU for the Machine
    LPAR MSU The MSU’s allocated to this LPAR
    Max SCRT-MSU The maximum SCRT MSU for the LPAR
    Total CPU’s The total Processors on the machine
    CPU Online CPU’s online to LPAR
    zAAP Online zAAP’s online to LPAR
    zIIP Online zIIP’s online to LPAR
    Crypto Online How many Crypto are online to the LPAR
    Crypto Installed How many Crypto’s are installed
    Total Memory The total memory allocated to the LPAR
    Systems The system name
  2. Product Inventory
    Column Name Description
    Vendor Name of the Vendor
    Product The Asset name of the product
    Feature The feature name of the product
    Version The version of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    Discovered The date the product was first found during an IQ scan
    Systems Shows how many systems the product is installed on
    S&S PID The IBM S&S PID for the product
    System Used The number of Systems the product was used on
    Machines Used The number of machines that this product was executed on
    Last Used The date the product was last used
    MLC For IBM products if the product is a Monthly License Charge then a Y will be displayed if it is or an N if not.
    IPLA For IBM products if the product is IPLA or more commonly known as One Time Charge, then a Y will appear if it is, or an N if not.

    In this field, you will see either:

    • Reference-based
    • z/OS-based
    • Not eligible orblank

    These values only apply to IPLA products that have a Y.

    EID The IBM Entitlement ID for the product
    Sysplex Name The name of the SYSPLEX that the product was discovered on
  3. Product Audit Trail
    Column Name Description
    Vendor Name of the Vendor
    Product The Asset name of the product
    Version The version of the product
    Feature The feature name of the product
    Sysplex The name of the SYSPLEX that the product was discovered on
    System The System the product was discovered on
    Machine The machine the product was discovered on
    Status The current status of the product
    Discovered Installed The date the product was first discovered
    Discovered Un- Installed The date the product was uninstalled
    Usage Month The Period for usage being shown
    Users How many distinct users have executed this product in the month
    Job Names How many distinct Job Names that have used the product in the month
    Job Accounts How many distinct Job Accounts executed the product in the month
    Events How many events (load module executions) were record for the product for each system

    If SCRT data was been loaded then this will show the MSU value. In order to see this data you cannot select the Show Features


    First Used The first day in the month that the product was used
    Last Used The last day in the month the product was used
  4. Product Usage by machine
    Column Name Description
    Vendor Name of the vendor
    Product The Asset name of the product
    Version The version of the product
    Feature The feature name of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    System The system the product was discovered on
    Machine The machine the product was discovered on
    S&S PID The IBM S&S PID for the product
    Job Accounts How many distinct Job Accounts executed the product in the month
    Usage Events How many events (load module exections) were recorded against the product for the shown month
    Last Used The last day of the month the product was used
    LPAR The actual hardware name of the LPAR
  5. Product by system
    Column Name Description
    Vendor Name of the Vendor
    Product Name The Asset name of the product
    Version The version of the product
    Feature The feature name of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    System The System the product was discovered on
    Events How many events (load module executions) were recorded for the product for each system
  6. Product Usage by Month
    Column Name Description
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Product The Discovery name of the product
    Feature The Feature name of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    FMID The FMID of the product
    System The System the product was discovered on
    Asset Version

    The high level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.

    Month The usage month for the product
    Usage Events How many events (load module executions) were recorded against the product for the shown month
    Last Used The last day in the month the product was used

Reports listed under Discovery tab

  1. z/OS GKB Summary
    Column Name Description
    GKB Level The level of the GKB currently loaded
    POVID Internal ID for each GKB item.
    Last Changed The date the observation was last changed
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Discovery Release Name The Discovery name of the product
    Discovery Release Option The Option name of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    FMID The FMID for the product
    EOS of Service

    The End of Service date for the product. IBM EOS dates are added by HCL and are updated when the GKB update process is performed. ISV EOS dates need to be added by the user. This capability will be made available in a later release.

    Asset Version The high-level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.
    PID The PID of the product
    S&S PID The IBM S&S PID for the product
    Asset Product Name The Asset Product name
    Asset Feature The Asset feature name
    EID The IBM entitlement ID
  2. USS GKB Summary
    Column Name Description
    GKB Level The level of the GKB currently loaded
    POVID Internal ID for each GKB item.
    Last Changed The date the observation was last changed
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Discovery Release Name The Discovery name of the product
    Discovery Release Option The Option name of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    FMID The FMID for the product
    End of Service The End of Service date for the product. IBM EOS dates are added by IBM but ISV EOS dates need to be added by the user.
    PID The PID of the product
  3. Discovered Product Details
    Column Name Description
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Product Release Name The Discovery name of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    FMID The FMID of the product
    Asset Version

    The high-level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.

    Library The name of the library the product was discovered in
    System The System the product was discovered on
    Sysplex The name of the Sysplex the product is in
    Volume The VOLSER of the library the product was discovered on
    APF If the library is APF authorized, then a Y will be displayed
    Product Modules The number of modules discovered in this library for the product
    Library Modules The total number of modules in the library
    Last Used The Last date the product was used
  4. Discovered Product by System
    Column Name Description
    Vendor Name The Vendor Name
    Product Name The Discovery name of the product
    Option Name The Option name of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    FMID The Product FMID
    Version The high level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.
    Discovered Installed Date The date the product was first discovered by TADz
    Events How many events (load module executions) were recorded against the product for the shown month

    Feature Name

    The Feature name of the product
    Version Name versions currently in the repository
    LPAR The actual hardware name of the LPAR
  5. Discovered Product Summary
    Column Name Description
    Vendor Name The Vendor Name
    Product Release Name The Discovery name of the product
    Product Release Option Product Release Option name
    PID The PID of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    Asset Version The high level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.
    Libraries The number of libraries in the Repository that the product was discovered in.
    Last Used The Last date the product was used
    Feature Name The Feature name of the product
    Version Name versions currently in the repository
    LPAR The actual hardware name of the LPAR
  6. Discovered Product Audit Trail
    Column Name Description
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Product Release Name The Discovery name of the product
    Product Release Option The Option name of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    SSPID Service Subscription Product Identifier
    FMID The FMID of the product
    Asset Version

    The high level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into

    the Asset tables.

    Sysplex The name of the Sysplex the product is in
    System The System the product was discovered on
    Library The name of the library the product was discovered in
    Volume The Volume Serial number of the disk.
    Status The current status of the product
    Discovered Installed The date the product was first discovered by TADz
    Discovered Uninstalled The date the product was uninstalled.
    Usage Month For each month that usage has been collected the will be displayed
    Users The number of unique users per month
    Job Names The number of unique Job names per month
    Job Accounts The number of unique Job accounts per month
    Events How many events (load module executions) were record against the product for the shown month
    First Used The first usage date for the displayed month
    Last Used The last usage date for the displayed month
  7. Discovered Product Use by Month
    Column Name Description
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Product The Discovery name of the product
    Feature The Feature name of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    FMID The FMID of the product
    System The System the product was discovered on

    The high level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.

    Month The usage month for the product
    Events for Month How many events (load module executions) were record against the product for the shown month
  8. End of service Products
    Column Name Description
    End of Service The End of Service date
    Last Used The date the product was last used
    Vendor The Vendor Name
    Product The Discovery name of the product
    Option Name The Feature name of the product
    Release The complete Version Release Modification level of the product
    PID The PID of the product
    Asset Version

    The high level asset version. If the product shows as Non Asset it means that the product is either free or a common component that does not require a license. Only licensed products are loaded into the Asset tables.

    System The System the product was discovered on
    Sysplex The Sysplex the product was discovered on
    Libraries The number of libraries the product is installed in
  9. Module Compilers
    Column Name Description
    Library Library name
    Volume The VOLSER the library is on
    APF type Is the library APF authorised
    Origin If blank, then PDS else it will show PDSE
    Period Last Used The date the library was last executed from
    Module Last Used The date the module was last executed
    Found Modules Number of modules searched for found in the library
    Total Modules Number of modules in the library
    Referenced Date The date the library was last accessed
    Creation Date The date the library was created
    Discovered First The first date the library was discovered
    Discovered Last The last date the library was discovered