The real-time analysis report

The real-time analysis report is produced whenever Z Abend Investigator analyzes an abend, or is invoked by HFZSNAP or the equivalent com.hcl.zai.Snap.dump Java class, unless the DeferredReport option is used (see DeferredReport) or the report is suppressed (see Suppressing real-time reports). The report is written to the HFZREPRT DDname, which is dynamically allocated to SYSOUT=class, if no prior allocation exists, and thus is included as part of the normal job output on the JES spool.

The SYSOUT class used (class) is the default job output class (SYSOUT=*), or if a SYSUDUMP DD statement in the abending job step specifies a JES SYSOUT class, then the same output class and form name are used for the Z Abend Investigator real-time report.

If you want to divert the real-time analysis report to another file, then adjust the DD card as required. For example:
//             DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=137),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1))

Alternatively, a user exit can be used to allocate HFZREPRT to a different output class. For details, see Controlling the SYSOUT class of real-time reports.

The HFZREPRT DDname is opened with LRECL=137. Any existing data set attributes must be compatible with this logical record length.

The HFZREPRT allocation for CICS® transaction abends is the same as for any other type of abend.

See The Z Abend Investigator report for general information about the contents of the Z Abend Investigator report, and for report examples.