Sample customized ISPF interface front-end

In certain circumstances it might be desirable to dynamically tailor the initial Fault Entry List display shown when the Z Abend Investigator ISPF interface is invoked. For example, to preselect the Fault History File or View name being used, or provide a dynamically created MATCH command. A MATCH command can be useful, for example to MATCH on today's date, or a specific PROGRAM name.

An example of how this dynamic tailoring can be achieved is included in the samples data set (HFZ.SHFZSAM1). The example displays a popup panel which allows the user to supply an optional program name and an Application ID or 'View' name (see Sample display 1). A '?' can be placed in the Application/View field to display a list of available applications and views (see Sample display 2). In the sample, if the length of the Application/View ID is 2, the selected name is used to form the name of a Fault History File as follows:

<Variable DSNp1>.<System ID>.HIST.<Variable DSNp2>.<Application>

If not a length of 2, the ID is assumed to be the name of a Z Abend Investigator VIEW.

Once an Application/View ID has been successfully entered, and its existence verified, then the user can press Enter to invoke Z Abend Investigator. If a program name was also supplied, then a corresponding MATCH command is also created.

The sample comprises the following files. Each member should be copied to a data set that is concatenated to the DDname indicated in the table.
Table 1. Sample members in the HFZ.SHFZSAM1 data set
File DDname Description
HFZSFESK ISPSLIB ISPF skeleton for creating history file
HFZSFECL SYSPROC Intermediary CLIST used when invoking Z Abend Investigator
HFZSFEAP ISPPLIB ISPF panel used for application selection
HFZSFEMP ISPPLIB Main ISPF panel for supplying user parameters
Figure 1. Sample display 1
  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
Opti │          Z Abend Investigator History File Selection              │
     │          -------------------------------------------              │
0  S │                                                                   │ K
1  V │ DSN:  ADRIAN                                                      │
2  | │                                                                   │
3  U │ Environment:  FAE1                                                │
4  F │                                                                   │ H
5  B │ Program    :  HFZXFA                                              │
6  C │                                                                   │
7  D │ Application:  ADRIAN      Enter ? for list                        │ K
9  I │ or Views                                                          │
10 S │                                                                   │
11 W │ Enter=Check For DSN  PF3=Exit                                     │ .0
12 z │                                                                   │
13 z │                                                                   │
14 I └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
S  SDSF          SDSF
Figure 2. Sample display 2
  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help
Opti │          Z Abend Investigator History File Selection              │
     │          -------------------------------------------              │
0  S │                                                                   │ K
1  V │ DSN:  ADRIAN                                                      │
2  | │      ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐        │
3  U │ Envi │                                 Row 1 to 10 of 10 │        │
4  F │      │ Command ===> _________________________________    │        │ H
5  B │ Prog │                Application Selection              │        │
6  C │      │                ---------------------              │        │
7  D │ Appl │                                                   │        │ K
9  I │ or V │ Please use S to select the application.           │        │
10 S │      │   Application                                     │        │
11 W │ Ente │ _ AA       Application 1                          │        │ .0
12 z │      │ _ AB       Application 2                          │        │
13 z │      │ _ AC       Application 3                          │        │
14 I └───── │ _ ZZ       Application 4                          │ ───────┘
S  SDSF     │ _ FA       Z Abend Investigator Default           │
            │ _ Dev1     View 1                                 │
     Enter  │ _ Dev1     View 2                                 │
            │ _ APC      View 2                                 │
            │ _ DB2      View 3                                 │
            │ _ CICS     View 4                                 │
            │ **************** Bottom of data ***************** │
            │                                                   │
            │                                                   │

Once a Fault History File or View name has been selected and verified, the sample code performs the following processing.