Operation level variables

The operation level variables provide information about the operation within the occurrence in which the running job is scheduled.

Note: The variables unique to Workload Automation Programming Language, if any, are highlighted in bold.
Table 1. Operation level variables
Name Description
OCPJOB Returns Y if the job is in the current plan. Returns N if the job is running outside of the scope of the current plan.
OCPOPJBN Job name, as specified in the current plan.

In most cases, this is equivalent to the OJOBNAME. When you set OPTIONS OPID, OJOBNAME specifies the name of the running job and OCPOPJBN specifies the job name of the connected operation in the current plan.

OCPOPJES JES number, as specified in the current plan.

In most cases, this is equivalent to the OJJESNO. When you set OPTIONS OPID, OJJESNO specifies the number of the running job and OCPOPJES specifies the JES number of the connected operation in the current plan.

OCPUSRF Returns the number of user fields referenced by the running job in the current plan. For jobs not included in the current plan, this variable returns 0.
OJOBNAME Operation job name.
OOPNO Operation number within the occurrence, right-justified and padded with zeros.
OWSID Workstation ID for current operation.