Occurrence level variables

The occurrence level variables provide information about the occurrence in which the running job is scheduled. If the job is not being controlled by HCL Workload Automation for Z, these variables are not available.

  1. A job submitted outside of HCL Workload Automation for Z, but tracked by it, is considered to be controlled by HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  2. The variables unique to Workload Automation Programming Language are highlighted in bold.
Table 1. Occurrence level variables
Name Description
OADDED Added to current plan (Y|N).
OADDESC Application description.
OADDFUNC Adding function (E|D|P|A|<blank>).
OADGROUP Application Group name.
OADID Application ID.
OADODESC Owner description.
OADOWNER Occurrence owner.
OAUGROUP Authority Group.
OCALID Calendar name,
ODD Occurrence input arrival day of month, in DD format.
ODD Occurrence input arrival day of month, in DD format.
ODMY1 Occurrence input arrival date in DDMMYY format.
ODMY2 Occurrence input arrival date in DD/MM/YY format.
OETCRIT Event triggering policy name from the ETT table.
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OETEVNM Complete ETT event name:
Event type J
Contains the same value of OETJOBN.
Event type R
Contains the complete resource name that triggered the event.
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OETGGEN GDG data set generation number (GnnnnVnn). For the ETT event type R, generated by a data set triggering for GDG.
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OETGROOT GDG data set root. For the ETT event type R, generated by a data set triggering for GDG.
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OETJNUM Job number associated with the OETJOBN. It is set only for the event type J.
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OETJOBN The complete job name that triggered the ETT event:
Event type J
Contains the job name of the triggering job.
Event type R
Contains the job name or TSO user ID that closed the ETT data set trigger.
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OETTYPE Event type of the ETT table entry (J=Job, R=Resource).
Note: This variable can be used only by the ETT added occurrence.
OGRPDEF Application group ID.
OHH Occurrence input arrival hour in HH format.
OHHMM Occurrence input arrival hour and minute in HHMM


OIA Input arrival (YYMMDDHHMM).
OIAA Actual Input Arrival (YYMMDDHHMM).
OIAO Original Input Arrival from LTP (YYMMDDHHMM).
OJCLVTAB JCL Variable table attached to occurrence.
OLATE Latest Out passed (Y|N).
OMM Occurrence input arrival month in MM format.
OMMYY Occurrence input arrival month and year in MMYY format.
OMONITOR Occurrence monitor flag.
OPRI Occurrence priority.
OYMD1 Occurrence input arrival date in YYMMDD format.
OYMD2 Occurrence input arrival date in YY/MM/DD format.
OYY Occurrence input arrival year in YY format.
OYYMM Occurrence input arrival month within year in YYMM format.