Modify CPSAI arguments

Table 1. Modify CPSAI Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
AUTFUNC 8 Char System Automation automated function (for operation). It must be an alphanumeric value, uppercase format. The first character cannot be numeric.
COMMETXT 255 Char System Automation command text. It must be set and cannot be blank.
COMPINFO 64 Integer System Automation completion information.
SECELEM 8 Char System Automation security element. It must be set and cannot be blank.
  1. The occurrence and operation to which the system automation information refers are identified, respectively, by the MODIFY CPOC (ADID, IA) and MODIFY CPOP (OPNO) sequences.
  2. You can use modify CPSAI only if the operation runs on an automation workstation.