Modify CPCOND arguments

When you are modifying an existing current plan condition, the CONDID argument is required to identify the condition to be modified. All remaining arguments are optional and provide the information used to modify the condition.

Note: Always identify an operation with an INSERT or MODIFY CPOP request before a MODIFY CPCOND request.
Table 1. Modify CPCOND Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
CONDID 4 Integer Condition ID. Valid values are from 1 to 999.
COUNT 4 Integer Condition counter. Use it to define the rule type:
  • 0 = All the condition dependencies, in the corresponding INSERT CPSIMP list, must be true
  • n>0 = At least n out of the specified condition dependencies must be true
The default is the current value.
DESC 16 Char Descriptive text