Modify CPOP arguments

When you are modifying an existing current plan operation, the OPNO argument is required to identify the operation to be modified. All remaining arguments are optional and provide the information used to modify the operation. If you are inserting, modifying, or deleting a predecessor connection or special resource specification for the operation, the MODIFY CPOP request is required only to identify the operation that will be referred to in the following INSERT, MODIFY, or DELETE request. Then, only the OPNO argument is required.

Note: Always identify an occurrence with a MODIFY CPOC request before a MODIFY CPOP request.
Table 1. Modify CPOP Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
AEC 1 Char Automatic error completion
AJR 1 Char Automatic job hold/release
ASUB 1 Char Automatic job submission
CLATE 1 Char Cancel if late
CLNTYPE 1 Char Data Set cleanup type
CONDRJOB 1 Char Conditional recovery job
DEADWTO 1 Char Issue deadline WTO
DESC 24 Char Operation descriptive text
DURATION 4 Integer Estimated duration in 100th of second
EDUR 4 Char HHMM Estimated duration
EXPJCL 1 Char Expanded JCL option
FORM 8 Char Form number or blanks
HRC 4 Integer Highest successful return code
JCLASS 1 Char Job class
JOBCRT 1 Char Critical job:
  • P=Critical path target
  • W=Eligible for WLM assistance
  • N=Not eligible for WLM assistance
JOBNAME 8 Char Job name
JOBPOL 1 Char Workload monitor late job policy:
  • ‘ ’ (blank) = default
  • L = Long duration
  • D = Deadline
  • S = Latest start time
  • C = Conditional mode

Y=Operation monitored by
an external product
N=Operation not monitored by
an external product

OPCMD 2 Char Operation command:
  • BD = Bind shadow job
  • EX = Execute operation
  • KJ = Kill operation1
  • KR = Kill recovery job2
  • MH = Hold operation
  • MR = Release operation
  • NP = NOP operation
  • PN = Prompt reply no
  • PY = Prompt reply yes
  • UN = Un-NOP operation
  1. Applies only to operations running on HCL Workload Automation Agents or on distributed workstations that are directly connected to the end-to-end server (OPCMASTER).
  2. Applies only to recovery jobs running on distributed workstations that are directly connected to the end-to-end server (OPCMASTER).
OPDL 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Operation deadline date and time or blank
OPDLACT 1 Char The action taken if the operation does not complete at its deadline:
  • ‘ ’ (blank) = Default. No action is taken.
  • A = Only an alert message is issued.
  • C = The operation is set to Complete, if its status allows it. Otherwise, it is NOPed.
  • E = The operation is set to Error with ODEA, if its status allows it. Otherwise, this setting is postponed at the time when the status allows it.
  • N = The operation and all its internal successors are NOPed, if their status allows NOPing. Otherwise, it is ignored.
OPIA 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Operation input arrival date and time or blank
OPNO 4 Integer Operation number
PSUSE 4 Integer Parallel servers required
R1USE 4 Integer Resource 1 required
R2USE 4 Integer Resource 2 required
RERUT 1 Char Reroutable operation
RESTA 1 Char Restartable operation
STATUS 1 Char Operation status
TIMEDEP 1 Char Time-dependent job
USERDATA 16 Char Information stored in operation user data
USRSYS 1 Char User sysout support
WLMSCLS 8 Char WLM service class
WSNAME 4 Char Workstation name
Note: If the argument DURATION is used with the argument EDUR, an error message occurs.