List GENDAYS arguments

The LIST GENDAYS PIF call generates run dates for a run cycle that is provided in input by using a particular structure. The request is not linked to a job stream. It only uses calendar and periods definitions.

Table 1. List GENDAYS Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
CALENDAR 16 Char Calendar ID
FDAYRULE 1 Char Free day rule
FROM 6 Char YYMMDD One day before the Out of effect date
IAT 4 Char HHMM Input arrival time
RULEDEF * Structure Rule definition
TO 6 Char YYMMDD In effect date
  • The earliest value for FROM is the first day of the current month in a year four years previous to the current year.
  • The latest value for FROM is the first day of January in a year seven years after the current year.
  • The latest value for TO is the 31st of December in a year seven years after the current year.

For example, if the current date is 13/09/23, then: 090901 < FROM < 200101 and FROM < TO < 201231.

  • RULEDEF is made up by a structure similar to the one used for a rule definition in ADRUN. The first four bytes declare the length of the rule, while the remaining bytes are the rule text, which is preceded by the ADRULE keyword. For example:
    Dcl 1 ruledef,
    	2 rulelen bin(31),
    	2 ruletxt char(30);
    rulelen = 30;
  • Your PIF program need to first run the LIST request, followed by a loop of SELECT (NEXT) on the GENDAYS resource (no SEQn support).