List ADCOM, ADKEY arguments

Table 1. List ADCOM and ADKEY Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
ADID 16 Char Application description ID
ADRULEP 8 Char Name of period or run cycle group
GROUP 8 Char Authority group name
GROUPDEF 16 Char Group definition ID

Y=application with at least one
operation monitored by an external
N=application with no operation
monitored by an external product

OWNER 16 Char Owner ID
PRIORITY 4 Integer Priority
STATUS 1 Char Status: P=Pending A=Active
TYPE 1 Char Application type: A=Application G=Group Default is A
VALFROM 6 Char YYMMDD Valid-from date
VALTO 6 Char YYMMDD Valid-to date
  1. The VALTO argument value depends on the PIFHD keyword of the INTFOPTS statement, or the HIGHDATE keyword of the INIT statement. For details, see Customization and Tuning.
  2. HCL Workload Automation for Z assumes application type A, if you do not specify the TYPE argument name.
  3. The ADSAI segment is retrieved only if the system automation information is defined for the selected application.