Data area

When EQQYCOM returns control to your program after a successful LIST request, this fullword contains the address of a data area containing the first record from the requested list. Only the common segment of the requested record is provided when you use the LIST request. Appendix A. Program Interface Record Format describes the fields in each record common segment.

The header section for this record contains, besides the normal header information, a field containing a count of the number of elements in the list. This count field is in the final header entry, that is, the entry that has a blank segment-name field. The count is stored in the field that normally contains the segment offset. For a complete description of headers, see Header format.

Note: The resource code JSCOM retrieves JCL records from the JCL repository data set and not from a JCL library. But a SELECT request tries to get JCL records from a JCL library if they are not found in the JCL repository data set.