Argument name: MATCHTYP

This argument can have the following values:
  • EXA
  • PFX
  • SFX
With argument MATCHTYP specified, characters * and % are treated as normal characters instead of as generic matching characters, and blank as a normal character instead of ending the selection value. MATCHTYP EXA, PFX, and SFX affect:
  • The STATUS and UFVALUE arguments of the CPOPCOM segment
  • The ETTNAME argument of the ETT segment
  • The RESNAME argument of the SRCOM and CSRCOM segments

If the MATCHTYP argument is specified, characters *, %, blank and comparison operators in a STATUS/ETTNAME/RESNAME argument, values are treated as normal characters.

When MATCHTYP is specified together with RESNAME or ETTNAME, the selection value must be padded with blanks up to the full resource name length of 44 characters. When RESNAME or ETTNAME are specified without MATCHTYP then the selection value is treated in the same way as any other selection value: it will be truncated at the first blank.
  1. If MATCHTYP has the EXA value specified, then a record is selected only if the value in the record is exactly the same as the argument value.
  2. If MATCHTYP has the PFX value specified, then a record is selected only if the start value in the record is the same as the argument value.
  3. If MATCHTYP has the SFX value specified, then a record is selected only if the end value in the record is the same as the argument value.

The argument names and values that you can use to select records with a LIST request, are now described for each resource code.

Note: The values of PIF arguments as dates depend on the PIF base year, which is defined by the PIFCWB keyword on the INTFOPTS statement, or the CWBASE keyword of the INIT statement. The value of the VALTO argument for default high date depends on the PIFHD keyword of the INTFOPTS statement or the HIGHDATE keyword of the INIT statement. For more details about these statements, see Customization and Tuning.