Virtual workstations

To spread the workload across your trackers, you can create a computer workstation with the automatic reporting attribute and the virtual option, defining a list of destinations for the workload submission. When the scheduler processes the operations submitted to a virtual workstation, it distributes the workload according to a sequenced turn criteria, based on a round-robin algorithm. To submit the job, at least one of the destinations in the list must be available.

You can associate open intervals, parallel servers, and fixed resources with each destination belonging to the defined pool. The association is disabled at virtual workstation level, because the jobs that you submit on a virtual workstation are actually run on a single destination. When you associate parallel servers with a virtual workstation destination, you can specify a value up to 65535.

The alternate workstation definition is not applicable either at workstation level or at single destination level.

For a procedure to define a virtual workstation including previously used destinations, see Using virtual workstations.