Dynamic workstations

A dynamic workstation is a computer automatic workstation and has the DYNAMIC option in the panel shown in EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation set to Y. Dynamic workstations are associated to the dynamic workload broker component that can schedule dynamic jobs in a z-centric end-to-end configuration. You associate the dynamic workstation to the dynamic workload broker component by specifying an HTTP or HTTPS destination in the ROUTOPTS statement.

You define the dynamic workstation options in the WORKSTATION END-TO-END OPTIONS panel. Depending on your choice in this panel, you can have one of the following scenarios:
  • If you select the BROKER option in the WORKSTATION END-TO-END OPTIONS panel, you can submit dynamic jobs by writing in the HCL Workload Automation for Z JCLs only the job name of the dynamic jobs. The dynamic jobs have been previously defined using the Dynamic Workload Console or the broker command line. This method is known as submission by reference because you only need to reference the job you want to submit, without having to write or import the whole job into the JCL.
  • If you select the POOL option in the WORKSTATION END-TO-END OPTIONS panel, you can submit standard z-centric jobs to a pool of agents managed by the dynamic workload broker component. You can define the pool using the Dynamic Workload Console or the broker command line, and identify the pool in the HCL Workload Automation for Z workstation using ISPF panels or the Dynamic Workload Console.
  • If you select the D-POOL option in the WORKSTATION END-TO-END OPTIONS panel, you can submit standard z-centric jobs with the added value of the resource requirements specified in the database. You can define the dynamic pool using the Dynamic Workload Console or the broker command line, and identify the dynamic pool in the HCL Workload Automation for Z workstation either using ISPF panels or the Dynamic Workload Console.