Started-task computer workstations

A started-task computer workstation has the STC option in the panel shown in EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation set to Y. Operations you specify to run on this workstation are treated as started tasks, not as jobs.

To improve the automation of the workload submission to different destinations, you can define a virtual STC computer workstation, by specifying a list of destinations for the workload submission (see Virtual workstations). A virtual workstation has the VIRTUAL option in the panel shown in EQQWCGEP - Creating general information about a workstation set to Y.

The JCL for the started task is stored in the same way as the JCL for jobs (see Job statements and computer workstation operations). But, instead of submitting the job to the internal reader on the destination system, HCL Workload Automation for Z puts it into the procedure library allocated to the EQQSTC ddname, and issues the z/OS® START command to invoke it.

If you specify the deadline-WTO option, described in Started-task operations, HCL Workload Automation for Z can automatically send a WTO message to advise the system operator, or NetView®, when an operation has passed its deadline. You could use this function to coordinate the shutdown of an online system that executes as a started task.