Primary commands

You can use normal ISPF commands freely throughout the panel. Primary commands for the panels shows some of the ISPF commands used on the command line of HCL Workload Automation for Z panels.

Table 1. Primary commands for the panels
Command Action
ENDSave all changes made in the panel and return to the previous panel if no errors were found. END often starts the operation described in the panel.
Note: If there is an error in an input field in a panel, you cannot leave that panel by pressing the End PF key or by issuing the END command; either correct the error or issue the CANCEL command.
RETURNReturn to main menu. An END operation is executed for each panel in the sequence leading back to the main menu; all changes in the individual panels are saved.
ENTERVerify and save all changes. The panel is then redisplayed (if no error was found), unless you press Enter on a menu or selection criteria panel, in which case the next logical panel is displayed. If an error is discovered, a short error message is issued. You can obtain more information (a long error message) by pressing the Help PF key.
CANCELReturn to the previous panel without making any changes.
UP nn Scroll upward through the data by the number of lines specified by nn.
DOWN nnScroll downward through the data by the number of lines specified by nn.
RIGHTDisplay the right part of the data. This is available only from panels that have the text LEFT PART in the panel title.
LEFT Display the left part of the data. This is available only from panels that have the text RIGHT PART in the panel title.
HELP Display help information.
SORTSort information in a list.
LOCATE lparm Scroll to the field specified. If the field is not found, the list is displayed starting with the entry before which the specified field would have occurred. If the list is sorted by application name, then lparm is the name of the application; if sorted by job name, lparm is a job name.
GRAPHDisplay a network of dependencies.
GDDM®Execute GDDM functions on a graphically displayed network.
ATTR Set graphic attributes.