Specifying list criteria

Throughout all the HCL Workload Automation for Z panels, you can choose the options that determine which data elements to list. You can use commands to edit the data and to perform other operations on these lists. Depending on which panel style you are using, the basic panels (default) or the advanced panels (see Panels Style), the content and layout of some of the panels look different.

You use selection criteria to specify the content of lists in HCL Workload Automation for Z panels. An example of a panel where you specify list criteria follows:

Figure 1. EQQSOPFP - Selecting operations
EQQSOPFP ------------------- SELECTING OPERATIONS ---------------------------
Command ===>

Specify selection criteria below and press ENTER to create an operation list.

JOBNAME            => P*______         WORK STATION NAME => ____ 
APPLICATION ID     => ________________ OWNER ID          => ________________ 
AUTHORITY GROUP    => ________         PRIORITY          => _  
GROUP DEFINITION   => ________________ STATUS            => __________ 
CLEAN UP TYPE      => ________________ CLEAN UP RESULT   => __            
OP.EXTENDED NAME   =>_______________________________________________
OP. SE NAME        => ________________
Input arrival in format YY/MM/DD   HH.MM
FROM               =>  ________  _____
TO                 =>  ________  _____
Additional Options:
FAST PATH          => Y                  Valid only along with jobname 
Set Y, N, or leave blank to select all:
UNEXPECTED RC      => _   UNDEFINED COND     => _   SHADOW JOB         => _ 
STARTED AT STARTUP => N   LATE               => _ 
Set P, M, B, E, or leave blank to select all:

You can use blanks, complete names, IDs, or generic search arguments in the input fields in this panel to determine the contents of the list.

When you request a list of operations in the current plan, HCL Workload Automation for Z scans sequentially through all operations defined in the plan to determine which operations match the criteria that you specified. If the current plan is large, this search can take a long time. On some selection criteria panels, you can choose the fastpath option to reduce the overhead of the search. When you use a fastpath, HCL Workload Automation for Z searches through operations included in the current plan job name table, which only has operations on automatic reporting workstations (such as print and computer workstations). When it finds a job name that matches, HCL Workload Automation for Z includes all operations with that job name, whether on an automatic workstation or not. So the search in EQQSOPFP - Selecting operations finds all automatic workstation operations with a job name beginning with P and all other operations with the same name.