Using generic search arguments

Many input fields in HCL Workload Automation for Z panel accept generic search arguments. You specify a generic search argument by entering either an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%) in an input field. You can enter these characters by themselves or in combination with other characters.

Use an asterisk (*) to represent any character string or a null string. The percent sign (%) represents any single character.

If you want to select all applications whose first three letters are PAY, enter these characters in the input field:

   APPLICATION ID ===> PAY*________

If you want to select all applications where P is the first letter and Y is the third letter, you enter:

   APPLICATION ID ===> P%Y*_________

The percent sign in this example results in a search for application identifiers where there is any single character between P and Y.

Some section panels contain the:


field. Using this field you can specify the type of match that should be applied for filters, allocating wild characters (* and %) to be treated as normal characters. If the field is left blank, then standard generic matching is done.

When double-byte character set (DBCS) mode is specified for kanji, the DBCS asterisk (X'425C') and the DBCS percent sign (X'426C') are accepted as generic search arguments. These search arguments can be used for application and owner IDs.