Controlled systems

If you have controlled HCL Workload Automation for Z systems in your configuration, you can use this procedure to check that work is sent to these destinations, that it is submitted, and that events are returned to the controller:
  1. Create a workstation description for each destination. In the destination field, remember to specify the submit/release data set name, the XCF member name of the tracker, the tracker VTAM® application ID, or the tracker TCP/IP destination name, depending on the connection. Ensure that the trackers are active.
  2. Add an application occurrence to the current plan with operations defined on each of the workstations.
  3. Verify that the operations run successfully on the correct system and that they are reported as complete in the current plan.
  4. Check that submit events are created in the event data set for each controlled system (see Verifying job submission).
If your configuration includes a MAS complex, you can specify only one workstation description to represent all systems in the complex. If this is the case, ensure that a tracker is run on each system in the complex. Verify that events are received at the controller by checking that the operations are reported as complete in the current plan.
  1. If you create a workstation description after the current plan has been created, you must either replan or extend the current plan to use this workstation.
  2. You must also specify workstation destinations in the ROUTOPTS initialization statement. If you update ROUTOPTS, you must restart the controller.