Status description and mapping for z/OS jobs

z/OS job status displayed by Dynamic Workload Console and how it is defined in HCL Workload Automation for z/OS.

There are the following types of status for z/OS jobs:
z/OS job status
A subset of internal statuses common for both HCL Workload Automation distributed and z/OS environments.
z/OS job internal status
The job status registered on the HCL Workload Automation controller. The internal status uniquely identifies the status of a z/OS job.
z/OS job status
z/OS job status shows the z/OS job statuses that are displayed by the Dynamic Workload Console.
Table 1. z/OS job status
This job status ... Means that ...
Waiting The job is waiting for its dependencies to be resolved.
Ready The dependencies of the job have been resolved and the job is ready to run.
Running The job is running.
Successful The job completed successfully.
Error The job has stopped running with an error.
Canceled The job was canceled.
Held The job was put in hold.
Undefined The job status is currently being checked.
Suppressed by Condition The job is suppressed because the condition dependencies associated to its predecessors are false.
z/OS job internal status
z/OS job internal status shows the z/OS job internal statuses that are displayed by the Dynamic Workload Console and how they map to the status displayed on the HCL Workload Automation for z/OS controller.
Table 2. z/OS job internal status
This job internal status ... Means that ... Maps to ...
Arriving The job is ready for processing; no predecessors were defined. A
Complete The job has completed C
Deleted The job has been deleted from the plan D
Error The job has ended-in-error. E
Interrupted The job is interrupted. I
Ready The job is ready for processing; all predecessors are complete. R
Started The job has started S
Undefined The job status is being evaluated. U
Waiting The job is waiting for a predecessor to complete. W
Ready - non-reporting workstation Ready - At least one predecessor is defined on a nonreporting workstation; all predecessors are complete. *
Suppressed by Condition The condition dependencies associated to its predecessors are not satisfied. X
z/OS job status mapping
z/OS job status mapping describes how a z/OS job status is mapped to the corresponding job internal status.
Table 3. z/OS job status mapping
This job status ... Maps to this job internal status
Waiting W
Ready A, R, *
Running S
Successful C
Error E
Canceled I, D
Held A,R,* manually held
Undefined U
Suppressed by Condition X