Running HCL Workload Automation from a mobile device

Use your mobile device to easily and quickly interact with your HCL Workload Automation environment.

The IT market is moving towards mobile devices, which help you perform a large number of tasks, such as manage your sales workforce, read your email, check your accounting system, or attend a web conference. Applications designed for mobile devices must be intuitive and user-friendly while remaining robust and reliable, and providing instant access to business and client data wherever they are.

You can interact with HCL Workload Automation by using the Self-Service Catalog and Self-Service Dashboards applications.

To open this home page on your mobile device, access the following URL:
where host_name and port_number are the host name and port number of the Dynamic Workload Console you are connecting to.

You can open the applications also from the Single Entry Point page.

For details refer to HCL Workload Automation user interfaces.

To use an engine connection from a mobile device, ensure the engine credentials are shared or the Dynamic Workload Console is configured to use Single-Sign On. For more information, see the section about configuring the Dynamic Workload Console to use Single Sign-On in the Administration Guide.

Self-Service Catalog
Define services that correspond to HCL Workload Automation job streams and submit them from your mobile, even if you do not have any experience with HCL Workload Automation. Services are organized into catalogs.
Launch the Self-Service Catalog from your mobile device by connecting to the following URL:
where host_name and port_number are the host name and port number of the Dynamic Workload Console you are connecting to.
To launch and use this application, you must have one of the following roles:
Mobile User
This is the minimum role required to access Self-Service Catalog. Users with this role can view catalogs and services to which they are authorized and submit service requests. Associate at least one entity to this role to allow other roles access to the Self-Service Catalog.
Users with this role can create, edit, and delete catalogs and services. They can also associate roles to services and catalogs to authorize other users to work with them.
Self-Service Dashboards
By defining filter criteria to be applied to your jobs and workstations, you can view dashboards and drill down to more detailed information about the jobs and workstations that match the criteria. You can also perform recovery actions on the jobs and workstations.
Note: Filtering by workstation job is only available on distributed environments.
Launch the Self-Service Dashboards app from your mobile device by connecting to the following URL:
where host_name and port_number are the host name and port number of the Dynamic Workload Console you are connecting to.
To launch and use this application, you must have one of the following roles:
Mobile User
This is the minimum role required to access Self-Service Dashboards. Users with this role can view dashboards for which they are authorized but they cannot modify dashboards.
Users with this role can create, edit, and delete dashboards. They can also associate roles to dashboards to authorize other users to work with them.