How can I avoid providing the database administrator credentials when creating the database with DB2?

Minimum required grants to manage the HCL Workload Automation database with DB2

If you prefer to keep the database administrator credentials confidential and you are using DB2, you can assign a user a minimum set of grants to create, access, and modify the HCL Workload Automation database.

Using the configureDb command, you can perform the following operations:
  • Create the custom SQL statement to create or upgrade the HCL Workload Automation database schema.
  • Apply the generated SQL statement to upgrade the HCL Workload Automation schema to the latest version.

Each of the previous steps requires a set of minimum grants.

Minimum required grants to create the HCL Workload Automation database and table spaces

Run the configureDb command with the --execsql parameter set to FALSE to generate the customSQLAdmin.sql file containing the CREATE DATABASE statement.

After creating the database, run the configureDb command with the --execsql parameter set to FALSE to generate the customSQL.sql file containing the SQL statements to create table spaces and schemas. Extract from the customSQL.sql file the statements to CREATE the BUFFERPOOLs and TABLESPACES.

To create the HCL Workload Automation database and the BUFFERPOOLs and TABLESPACEs, one of the following minimum grants is required:
  • SELECT privilege on the PRIVILEGES administrative view

Grant to create and upgrade the HCL Workload Automation database schema

To create the HCL Workload Automation schema in the database, run the configureDb command with the following authorities and authorizations:
  • CREATETAB on database
  • CONNECT on database
  • USE on all HCL Workload Automation table spaces
  • SELECT privilege on the PRIVILEGES administrative view
Run the configureDb command with the --execsql parameter set to TRUE to create or upgrade the HCL Workload Automation database schema.