Creating and populating the database for DB2 for z/OS for the Dynamic Workload Console

Instructions for creating and populating the database for DB2 for z/OS for Dynamic Workload Console

Before you begin

Ensure a DB2 for z/OS database is installed.

About this task

This picture describes the steps required for installing the master domain manager. You are now at step 3: creating and populating the Dynamic Workload Console database

You can perform a typical database procedure, as described in the following scenarios, or you can customize the database parameters, as described in FAQ - Database customizations.

DB2 for z/OS requires a specific procedure in which you first create the database and then create and populate the database tables. To simplify the database creation, a sample JCL named EQQINDWC is provided with Package HWAZ_950_APAR_HC00001 containing the specifics for creating the Dynamic Workload Console database. The database administrator can use this file to create the database. After the database has been created, you can proceed to create and populate the database tables.

You can run the configureDb command specifying a typical set of parameters. In this case, default values are used for all remaining parameters.

For more information about all parameters and supported values of the configureDb command, see Database configuration - configureDB script. Default values are stored in the file, located in image_location.

If you need to modify any of the default values, edit the configureDbdatabase_vendor>.properties file, but do not modify the configureDbdatabase_vendor>.template file located in the same path.

To create and populate the Dynamic Workload Console database and schema for DB2 for z/OS, perform the following steps:


  1. From the SEQQSAMP library, edit the EQQINDWC sample JCL as required.
    Note: The EQQINDWC sample JCL is provided with the Package HWAZ_950_APAR_HC00001. If you did not install this APAR, create a JCL named EQQINDWC that looks like the following example:
    //*                                                                  */         
    //*  SECURITY CLASSIFICATION:                                        */         
    //*  Licensed Materials - Property of HCL 5698-T08                   */         
    //*  Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2020 All rights reserved.       */         
    //*  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication        */         
    //*  or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract           */         
    //*                                                                  */         
    //* CREATES DB2 STORAGE GROUP AND DATABASE for DWC                   */         
    //* NOTE1:You must tailor this JCL sample to conform to              */         
    //*       installation standards defined at your location.           */         
    //*       - Add a JOB card                                           */         
    //*       - Change following DB/2 values according to your           */         
    //*         current environment:                                     */         
    //*         - DSN.V11R1M0.SDSNLOAD      DB/2 library                 */         
    //*         - DSN111.RUNLIB.LOAD        DB/2 run library             */         
    //*         - DBB1                      DB/2 system name             */         
    //*         - DSNTIA11                  DB/2 DSNTIAD plan name       */         
    //*         - volname                   volume name                  */         
    //*         - catname                   catalog name                 */         
    //*       - Change all the occurrences of                            */         
    //*         TWSSDWC if you need a storage group with a different name*/         
    //*                                                                  */         
    //* Flag Reason   Rlse   Date   Origin Flag Description              */         
    //* ---- -------- ------ ------ ------ ----------------------------  */         
    //* $EGE=IWSZ950  952    200121 ZLIB: DB2 on DWC                     */         
    //EQQINDWC EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=20                                        
    //STEPLIB  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=DSN.V11R1M0.SDSNLOAD                                
    //SYSTSPRT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                         
    //SYSTSIN  DD  *                                                                
      DSN SYSTEM(DBB1)                                                              
    //SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                         
    //SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=*                                                         
    //SYSIN    DD *                                                                 
    CREATE STOGROUP TWSSDWC VOLUMES(volname) VCAT catname;                          
    CREATE DATABASE DWC                                                             
    BUFFERPOOL BP0                                                                  
    INDEXBP BP16K0                                                                  
    STOGROUP TWSSDWC                                                                
    CCSID UNICODE;                                                                  
  2. Instruct the DB2 for z/OS administrator to create the DB2 for z/OS user on the server hosting the DB2 for z/OS database. You will then specify this user with the dbuser parameter when creating and populating the database with the configureDb command on the Dynamic Workload Console. When you run the configureDb command, this user is automatically granted access to the Dynamic Workload Console tables on the database server.
  3. On the server where you plan to install the Dynamic Workload Console, browse to the directory where you extracted the Dynamic Workload Console image.
  4. Type the following command to create and populate the Dynamic Workload Console database tables with typical settings:
    On Windows operating systems
    cscript configureDb.vbs --rdbmstype DB2Z --dbhostname DB_hostname
    --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user
    --dbadminuser DB_admin_user --dbadminuserpw DB_admin_pwd
    --zlocationname zOS_location_containing_db --zbufferpoolname buffer_pool_in_zOS_location
    On UNIX operating systems
    ./ --rdbmstype DB2Z --dbhostname DB_hostname
    --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user
    --dbadminuser DB_admin_user --dbadminuserpw DB_admin_pwd
    --zlocationname zOS_location_containing_db --zbufferpoolname buffer_pool_in_zOS_location
    On z/OS operating systems
    ./ --rdbmstype DB2Z --dbhostname DB_hostname
    --dbport db_port --dbname db_name --dbuser db_user
    --dbadminuser DB_admin_user --dbadminuserpw DB_admin_pwd
    --zlocationname zOS_location_containing_db --zbufferpoolname buffer_pool_in_zOS_location
    The database vendor.
    --dbhostname db_hostname
    The host name or IP address of database server.
    --dbport db_port
    The port of the database server.
    --dbname db_name
    The name of the Dynamic Workload Console database.
    --dbuser db_user
    The database user you must create before running the configureDb command. When you run the configureDb command, this user is automatically granted access to the HCL Workload Automation tables on the database server.
    --dbadminuser db_admin_user
    The database administrator user that creates the Dynamic Workload Console schema objects on the database server.
    --dbadminuserpw db_admin_password
    The password of the DB administrator user that creates the Dynamic Workload Console schema objects on the database server.
    --zlocationname zos_location_containing_db
    The name of an already existing location in the z/OS environment that will contain the new database. The default value is LOC1.
    --zbufferpoolname buffer_pool_in zos_location
    The name of an already existing buffer pool created in the location specified by -zlocationname. The default value is BP32K.
    Note: The following parameters specified with the configureDb command are also required when installing the Dynamic Workload Console and their values must be the same:
    • --rdbmstype
    • --dbhostname
    • --dbport
    • --dbname
    • --dbuser
    • --zlocationname


You have now successfully created and populated the Dynamic Workload Console database.

For more information about all parameters and supported values of the configureDb command, see Database configuration - configureDB script.

What to do next

You can now proceed to Creating the HCL Workload Automation administrative user.