magent synopsis

The syntax of magent is:

magent -peers <host> [, <host> [,...]] [-timeout <secs> ] [-notraps] [-port <port>]

For HP-UX agents only. This defines the hosts (names or IP addresses) to which the agent will send its traps. The default is (loopback).
For AIX® agents, the /etc/snmpd.conf file must be modified to define the hosts to which the agent will send its traps. To add another host, for example, duplicate the existing trap line and change the host name:
 # This file contains HCL Workload Automation
 # agent registration.
 trap    public host1 fe
 trap    public host2 fe
The rate at which the agent checks its monitored processes, expressed in seconds. The default is 60 seconds.
If included, the agent will not generate traps.
For HP-UX agents only. This defines the port address on which this agent responds. The default is 31112.