Installing the integration software

About this task

IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView is delivered as part of HCL Workload Automation. Before installing IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView, make sure that HCL Workload Automation is correctly installed on the management node (server and clients) and on each managed node and make sure it is successfully scheduling and tracking jobs.

Use the customize script to install the integration software. The customize script has the following syntax:
customize [-uname name] [-prev3] [-noinst] [-client] [-manager host ]
[-uname name]
HCL Workload Automation user name.
Include this option if your version of NetView® is prior to version 3.
Do not overwrite existing NetView® configuration files.
For NetView® version 6.x and later, include this option for management clients.
The host name of the management node. For NetView® version 6.x and above, this is the host name of the NetView® server. This is required for managed nodes and NetView® clients. Do not use this option on the management node or NetView® server.