Installing on the management node or NetView® server

About this task

  1. Make certain that no HCL Workload Automation processes are running. If necessary, issue a conman shutdown command.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Run the customize script as follows:
    /bin/sh <TWShome>/OV/customize
  4. If you do not want the IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView agent to run on this node, edit <TWShome>/StartUp, and remove the run of magent.
  5. If you want HCL Workload Automation to run on this node, run StartUp:
  6. Start the IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView daemon (mdemon) as follows:
    /usr/OV/bin/ovstart Unison_Maestro_Manager
    or, for NetView® versions below 3, stop and start as follows: