Menu actions

About this task

To use IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView menu actions, select HCL Workload Automation from the Tools menu. These actions are also available from the object context menu by right clicking a symbol.

The menu actions are:
Open a child submap for a IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView symbol. Choosing View after selecting a workstation symbol on the submap opens the monitored processes submap. Choosing View after selecting a workstation symbol on the IP node submap returns to the HCL Workload Automation network submap.
Master conman
Run the conman command-line on the HCL Workload Automation master. Running on the master lets you run conman commands (except shutdown) for any workstation in the network. For information about conman commands, see User's Guide and Reference.
Acknowledge the status of selected symbols. When acknowledged, the status of a symbol returns to normal. It is not necessary to acknowledge critical or marginal states for a monitored process symbol, as it returns to normal when the monitored process itself is running. Acknowledge critical or marginal states for workstation symbols, otherwise they do not return to normal.
Run the conman command-line on the selected HCL Workload Automation workstations. Running on a workstation other than the master, lets you run all conman commands on that workstation only. For information about conman commands, see User's Guide and Reference. For an extended agent, conman is run on its host.
Issue a conman start command for the selected workstations. By default, the command for this action is:
remsh %H %P/bin/conman 'start %c'
Down (stop)
Issue a conman stop command for the selected workstations. By default, the command for this action is:
 remsh %H %P/bin/conman 'stop %c'
Run the HCL Workload Automation StartUp script on the selected workstations. By default, the command for this action is:
 remsh %h %P/StartUp

For an extended agent, conman is run on its host.

Locate new agents and new HCL Workload Automation objects, and update all IBM Workload Scheduler/NetView sub-maps.
Note: Run Rediscover each time you change the HCL Workload Automation workstation configuration.
The substituted parameters in the command-lines are:
The HCL Workload Automation workstation name of a selected workstation symbol.
The current DISPLAY name.
The host name of a selected workstation symbol.
The host name of the HCL Workload Automation master.
The process name of a selected process symbol, or “MAESTRO” if it is not a process.
The maestro user's home directory (usually /usr/lib/maestro).