The BmEvents.conf file

Steps to enable monitoring by the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

About this task

The file BmEvents.conf is located in the following path:
On UNIX operating systems
< TWA_DATA_DIR>/BmEvents.conf
On Windows operating systems
< TWA_home>\BmEvents.conf
This configuration file determines what information the production processes (batchman and mailman) write in the TWA_home/agent_log_file_data_source_file file, and how this information is written.

You can change the name of the log file by modifying the FILE field in the BmEvents.conf and specifying the fully qualified path of the event log file. By default this file is named event.log. Restart the HCL Workload Automation processes, WebSphere Application Server, and the database to implement the changes.

In the BmEvents.conf file, the hash # symbol represents a comment. Remove the # symbol to uncomment a line.

The options you can set in the BmEvents.conf file are described below:
Determines for which workstations the gathered events are reported. Possible values are:
All job scheduling events gathered by that workstation are reported. If that workstation is the master domain manager or the backup master domain manager, with Full Status option switched on, then all scheduling events for all workstations are reported.
The job scheduling events are reported only if they relate to the workstation where the file is configured.

If commented, it defaults to MASTER on the master domain manager workstation, and to OFF on a workstation other than the master domain manager.

Disables or enables the key flag filter mechanism. Possible values are:
If set to this value, all events from all jobs and job streams are logged.
If set to this value, the event logging is enabled only for those jobs and job streams that are marked as key. The key flag is used to identify the most critical jobs or job streams. To set it in the job or job stream properties use:
  • The keywords KEYSCHED (for job streams) and KEYJOB (for jobs) from the HCL Workload Automation command-line interface.
  • The job Monitored check box and job stream Monitored check box from the Dynamic Workload Console.
The TEPConfig script sets the value of this parameter to KEY.
It determines whether events concerning jobs and job streams are to be reported immediately after a plan creation.
If set to this value, it tells the production process, batchman, to report the jobs and job streams status events immediately after having generated the new production day plan. For the integration with Tivoli Enterprise Portal, this value will cause a bulk discovery to be automatically performed after each new plan creation.
Set to NO if report is not required.
The default value is NO.
Indicates which events are to be sent during the job stream lifetime.

During the lifetime of a job stream its status can change several times depending on the status of the jobs it contains. By using the CHSCHED option you choose how the job stream status change is reported.

If you set tis value, during the job stream lifetime an event is sent any time the status of the job stream changes. Because the intermediate status of the job stream can change several times, several events can be sent, each reporting a specific status change. For example, a job stream may go into the READY state several times during its running because its status is related to the status of the jobs it contains. Each time the job stream goes into the READY state, event 153 is sent.
If you set this value, during the job stream lifetime until the final status is reached, only the initial job stream state transaction is tracked. In this way the network traffic of events reporting job stream status changes is heavily reduced.
When the CHSCHED value is set to LOWthese are the events that are sent only the first time during the job stream life time:
Table 1. CHSCHED filtered events
Event number Event Class Description
Note: This event is not logged on MDM workstations.
TWS_Schedule_Started Job stream started
156 TWS_Schedule_Submit Job stream submitted
158 TWS_Schedule_Ready Job stream ready
159 TWS_Schedule_Hold Job stream hold
160 TWS_Schedule_Extern Job stream external
162 TWS_Schedule Job stream properties changed

For final status of a job stream, regardless of the value set for CHSCHED, all events reporting the final status of the job stream are reported, even if the job stream has more than one final status. For example, if a job contained in the job stream completes with an ABEND state, event 151 is sent (Job stream abended). If that job is then rerun and completes successfully, the job stream completes with a SUCC state and event 154 is sent (Job stream completed).

The default value for CHSCHED is HIGH.

EVENT=n[ n ...]
Identifies which events to report in the log_source_file. Event numbers must be separated by at least one space. The events added by the configuration script are the following:
 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 117 118 120 
 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 
 158 159 160 161 163 164 165 204 
This is the path and file name of an ASCII log file where job scheduling events are written. This file is truncated whenever the batchman and mailman processes are restarted, for example at the end of each production day.