Uninstalling the agent

Uninstalling the Tivoli® Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation.

About this task

Perform the following steps to uninstall the agent:


  1. Run the following script:
    On Windows systems
    kxx_uninstall.vbs ITM_INSTALL
    kxx_uninstall.vbs ITM_INSTALL
    The installation directory for the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation.
    The product code for the agent. The product code of the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation is qs.
    On Linux systems
    Run the uninstall.sh script located in the ITM_INSTALL_DIR/bin path as follows:
    uninstall.sh [-f] [-i] [-h ITM_INSTALL_DIR] [product platformCode]
    Force delete, suppressing confirmation messages and prompts.
    Ignore all running processes .
    The Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.
    A two-letter code for the product to be uninstalled.
    Platform code, for example, aix513, sol286, hp11, for the product.
    For example, uninstall.sh -f -i -h /opt/IBM/ITM 36 lx8266
  2. Remove the situations from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
    1. From a command-line prompt, go the ITM_INSTALL_DIR/bin directory.
    2. Log in to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to view the situations and workspaces of the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation by submitting the following command:
      tacmd login -s <TEMS_hostname> -u <username> -p <password>
      For example, tacmd login -s localhost -u sysadmin -p abcd1234
    3. Submit the tacmd listsit command to display all the situations installed on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. The list includes the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation situations that can be identified by the "KQS" prefix in the situation name.
    4. Remove the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation situations by submitting the following command:
      tacmd deleteSit -s <situation_name> -f
    5. Resubmit the tacmd listsit command to verify if the situations have been removed from the list.
  3. Remove offline entries from Tivoli® Enterprise Portal server portal. After removing the agent, perform the following steps to clear the agent from the portal:
    1. Ensure your Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring server and Tivoli® Enterprise Portal server are up and running.
    2. Log into the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal client.
    3. From the Physical Navigator views in the Tivoli® Enterprise Portal client, right-click Enterprise and select Workspace > Managed System Status. The Managed System Status workspace is displayed.
    4. Select IBM® Tivoli® Managed Systems for your agent.
    5. Right-click and select Clear off-line entry, which clears all of the entries from that table.
  4. To complete the uninstallation, manually delete the files and folders located in the ITM_INSTALL_DIR on the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server are installed, related to the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation.