Collecting and reloading monitoring data

About this task

When the integration is enabled, the HCL Workload Automation engine starts to log monitoring events after each new plan production. To reload all monitoring data, or to obtain the initial status of your monitored objects, use the conman bulk_discovery command. This command checks the current status of all the monitored objects (jobs and job streams) within the Symphony® file and writes the corresponding events in the event.log file for retrieval by the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

  1. If a JnextPlan is requested while a bulk_discovery is in progress, some events related to jobs and job streams may no longer be visible from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal console views when the new plan is built. Inconsistencies might occur because the JnextPlan process deletes and reallocates the event file at the end of its activity. If the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation has not read all records of the event file before the file is reallocated, it is not aware of any missing job or job stream status until a new change of status occurs. To ensure consistency, issue a bulk_discovery command at the end of the JnextPlan, or set SYMEVNTS=YES in the BmEvents.conf file so that a bulk discovery is performed automatically after every JnextPlan activity.
  2. If you recycle the Tivoli Monitoring agent for HCL Workload Automation, events are lost. If the agent is stopped for any reason, also as a result of a TCP/IP connection failure, events are lost unless you have saved them using the agent history function. In these cases, issue a bulk discovery to refresh the status of all monitored objects.

For details about the syntax and output of the bulk_discovery command, see bulk_discovery.