Insert IVL arguments

An interval can have information originating from the workstation description, indicator CPIVLDP in segment CPIVL is set to Y, or otherwise to N. If an interval is changed via the dialog or the program interface then the indicator CPIVLMOD is Y, or otherwise N

INSERT IVL can insert an interval spanning existing intervals with CPIVLMOD=N. The inserted interval will be converted to several intervals as required by daily planning. Other requests following the INSERT must take this possible split into account; each request is handled fully before the next request.

Table 1. Insert IVL Arguments
Arg names Len Data type Description
FROM 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Interval start date/time
PSCAP 4 Integer Parallel server capacity
R1CAP 4 Integer Resource 1 capacity
R2CAP 4 Integer Resource 2 capacity
TO 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Interval end date and time