Insert CPSIMP arguments

Note: Always identify an occurrence, an operation and a condition with:
  • An INSERT or MODIFY CPOC request
  • An INSERT or MODIFY CPOP request
  • An INSERT or MODIFY CPCOND request
before an INSERT CPSIMP request.
Table 1. Insert CPSIMP Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
PREADID 16 Char Predecessor application name
PREIA 10 Char Predecessor application input arrival date and time
PREOPNO 4 Integer Predecessor operation number
PROCSTEP 8 Char Use it to define a step level dependency. If the step is not in a procedure, this parameter identifies the job step name, otherwise it identifies the step name in the JCL procedure. It must correspond to a step specifying the EXEC PGM= statement.
STEPNAME 8 Char Use it in conjunction with PROCSTEP when defining a step level dependency, only if the step is in a procedure, to identify the procedure invocation step name.
TYPE 2 Char Condition type:
  • RC = To check the predecessor return code
  • ST = To check the predecessor status
LOG 2 Char Logical operator:
  • GE = Greater than or equal to. Valid only for RC condition type.
  • GT = Greater than. Valid only for RC condition type.
  • LE = Less than or equal to. Valid only for RC condition type.
  • LT = Less than. Valid only for RC condition type.
  • EQ = Equal to.
  • NE = Not equal to. Use it to specify conditions on final statuses only.
  • RG = Range.
VALRC 4 Char Return code value.
VALRC2 4 Char Return code value, as second boundary in a range expressed by the RG logical operator.
VALST 1 Char Status, valid only for ST type
Note: To create an internal dependency, do not specify either PREADID or PREIA.