Insert CPOC arguments

When you are inserting a current plan occurrence, the ADID argument is required unless you are providing the entire application description in the data area. The ADID argument identifies an existing application description, an occurrence of which is to be inserted into the current plan. All remaining arguments are optional and provide more information about the occurrence.

Table 1. Insert CPOC Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
ADID 16 Char Application description ID
DEADLINE 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Deadline date and time
DESC 24 Char Descriptive text
ERRCODE 4 Char Error code
GROUP 8 Char Authority group
GROUPDEF 16 Char Group definition ID
IA 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Input arrival date and time
JCLVTAB 16 Char JCL variable table
ODESC 24 Char Descriptive text of owner
OWNER 16 Char Owner ID
PRIORITY 4 Integer Priority
  1. A DEADLINE argument is accepted also when no IA argument is specified. If the HCL Workload Automation selected IA is later than the DEADLINE argument value, the argument value is ignored. The default, IA plus 8 hours, is used instead.
  2. If you specify 24.00 as the IA time, it is converted to 00.00 of the following day. In fact, the valid input arrival times are 00.00 through 23.59.
  3. If you specify as deadline 00.00, it is converted to 24.00 of the previous day. In fact, the valid deadline times are 00.01 through 24.00.