Modifying a special resource

From the SPECIAL RESOURCE MONITOR panel (EQQQMLSL - Special resource monitor), you can browse or modify special resource details using the B or M row commands. To modify a resource, enter the M row command beside a resource. You see the MODIFYING A SPECIAL RESOURCE panel, shown in EQQQMMOP - Modifying a special resource.

Figure 1. EQQQMMOP - Modifying a special resource
EQQQMMOP --------------- MODIFYING A SPECIAL RESOURCE -------------------
Option ===>

Select one of the following:

1 INTERVALS  - Specify intervals
2 WS         - Modify default connected work stations

Special resource      : TAPES
Text                  : tape drives on CPU1 and STC1
Specres group id      : SAMPLE
Hiperbatch         ===> No                                  Usage Counter :  1

USED FOR           ===> B       Planning and control C , P , B or N
ON ERROR           ===> F_      On error action F, FX, FS, K, or blank
DEVIATION          ===> _______ Number to deviate -999999 to 999999 or blank 1
AVAILABLE          ===> _       Global availability Y or N or blank          2
QUANTITY           ===> ______  Global quantity 1 to 999999 or blank         3
ON COMPLETE        ===> _       On Complete action Y, N, R, or blank
MAX USAGE LIMIT    ===> 0_____  Max number of allocations before usage reset
MAX USAGE TYPE     ===> R       Status change type Y, N or R

  QUANTITY         ===> 8_____  Number available 1-999999
  AVAILABLE        ===> Y       Available Y or N

Active LIFESPAN:       Action=      Expiration Date=         (4)
Last updated by XRAYNER  on 06/03/06 at 19.08  Event Change  (5)

This is similar to the SPECIAL RESOURCE DEFINITION panel, except that here you are not updating the RESOURCE DESCRIPTION database. When you change resource details with the MCP Resource Monitor, you are updating the current plan resource information, which is stored in the current plan extension (CX) data set.

That is why this panel has extra fields that are not present in the SPECIAL RESOURCE DEFINITION panel:
  • QUANTITY (3)
  • Active LIFESPAN (4)
  • The reason that caused the global availability to be reset, Event Change in this example (5)

If no change has been made to the current plan, DEVIATION is zero or blank (no deviation) and AVAILABLE and QUANTITY are blank (they are specified in the current interval data, if any, or take the default value). If you have changed these fields, either with this panel, with the SRSTAT command, or with the EQQUSIN subroutine, the deviation is added to the quantity to give the actual quantity available and the changed availability overrides the scheduled availability until it is reset (set to blank).

Note: The resource details are retained in the current plan as long as any of the fields 1 to 3 are set (QUANTITY or AVAILABILITY are non-blank, or DEVIATION is not zero or blank). If you set TAPES unavailable, for example, using field 2, TAPES remains unavailable indefinitely, past daily planning EXTENDs and REPLANs, for weeks or even years. You must set them to blank (or, in the case of deviation, to zero) manually for the database values to take effect. When you change other fields on the panel, such as the default quantity, the value will be replaced by the value from the database the next time a daily planning EXTEND or REPLAN is run. Daily planning issues a warning message when it replaces a manually changed value with a value from the database.
The Active LIFESPAN line of the MODIFYING A SPECIAL RESOURCE panel in EQQQMMOP - Modifying a special resource indicates whether there is a pending action about the global availability of the resource. It has the following format:
Active LIFESPAN:  Action = ACTION_TYPE  Expiration Date= EXPIRATION_DATE
The action taken to set the global availability when the expiration time is reached. It can be one of the following values:
Sets the global availability to Yes.
Sets the global availability to No.
Sets the global availability to blank.
No action taken.
The date and time when the global availability of the resource will be changed.
The last line of the MODIFYING A SPECIAL RESOURCE panel is Last Updated by, showing how the resource came to be in the current plan and the reason that caused the global availability to be reset. The Last Updated by line has the following format:
Last updated by: USERID at DATE on TIME   GlobalAvailChangeReason
Who or how the resource was added. The resource details might have been added during batch daily planning because a planned operation references the resource. If there have been no manual alterations to the resource, this shows who last updated the database record.

If the resource details have been changed with the SRSTAT command, this shows who issued the command.

If it is not possible to identify the user who changed the resource (for example, because the resource was added to the plan by a batch daily planning program), this shows the process that changed the occurrence:
Batch daily planning dynamically added the resource to the plan, because an operation referenced it, but the resource is not in the database.
Batch daily planning dynamically copied the resource to the plan, because an operation referenced it (the resource is in the database).
An internal process, generated for example by the On Complete action, changed the resource in the plan.
The date and time when the resource was last updated.
The reason that caused the global availability of the resource to be changed. Possible values are:
Event Change
A special resource event occurred. Events are generated when you issue an SRSTAT command or you invoke a program such as, for example, EQQUSIN or when data set triggering is active.
Max Usage Limit Change
The maximum usage limit was reached.
A LIFESPAN active condition expired. LIFESPAN active conditions are generated when you issue an SRSTAT command with the LIFESPAN parameter or when data set triggering table definitions use the LIFESPAN parameter.
The global availability was either not changed or changed through a panel.

To change the intervals, select option 1 (Intervals). The following panel is displayed:

Figure 2. EQQQDIML - Modifying intervals for a special resource
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter any of the row commands below:
I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete, or,
S - Work stations

Special resource : TAPES
Text             : tape drives on CPU1 and STC1

Row Date           From  To    Qty    A
cmd                Time  Time
'' 95/06/10______ 00.00 07.59 8_____ Y
'' 95/06/10______ 08.00 22.00 6_____ Y
'' 95/06/10______ 22.01 23.59 8_____ Y
'' 95/06/11______ 00.00 07.59 8_____ Y

******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

When you change interval data in the current plan, this is not replaced by values from the database when you next run daily planning; a manually altered interval remains in the plan.

To change the workstations where operations can allocate the resource, enter the S row command beside the interval. You see the MODIFYING CONNECTED WORKSTATIONS FOR A SPECIAL RESOURCE panel, shown in EQQQDWML - Modifying connected workstations for a special resource.

Figure 3. EQQQDWML - Modifying connected workstations for a special resource
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter/Change data in the rows, and/or enter any of the following
row commands:
I(nn) - Insert, R(nn),RR(nn) - Repeat, D(nn),DD - Delete

Special resource : TAPES
Text             : tape drives on CPU1 and STC1
Interval         : 95/06/10 from 08.00 to 22.00

Row Ws
'' CPU1
'' STC1
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

Change the connected workstations as required and press PF3 (End).