Initialize the new system

Before you perform the steps described in this section, ensure that the VSAM file conversion described in the preceding section was successful.
  1. Ensure that the data sets referred to in Empty data sets are empty. Use ISPF browse to ensure that all job-tracking logs (EQQJTnn), the job-tracking archive (EQQJTARC), and the checkpoint (EQQCKPT) data sets are empty. If you use dual job-tracking logs (EQQDLnn), they should also be empty.
  2. Modify the JCL procedure for OPCA to include the new DD names and data sets added in HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  3. Modify initialization parameters for OPCA. The CKPT data set is not yet initialized the first time you start OPCA after migration, so you must set CURRPLAN(NEW) in the JTOPTS statement. Specify BUILDSSX(REBUILD) and SSCMNAME(EQQSSCM1,TEMPORARY) in the OPCOPTS statement. Specify the PIFHD parameter in the INTFOPTS statement. As soon as OPCA has started, change back to CURRPLAN(CURRENT), to prevent OPCA from recovering from the new current plan each time it starts.
    Note: You might find it useful to specify JOBSUBMIT(NO) in the JTOPTS statement so that work is not submitted when you start OPCA. When you have checked that OPCA has started without errors, you can activate job submission using the Service Functions dialog.

    To initialize the checkpoint data set, specify OPCHOST(YES) in OPCOPTS. In this way, when the scheduler starts, the NMM task initializes the checkpoint data set with FMID and LEVEL corresponding to SSX. You can then change the OPCHOST value. For example, you can change the value to OPCHOST(PLEX) when the subsystem is used as the controlling system in XCF.

  4. Start OPCA. Verify that no errors occurred during initialization. If required, correct any errors and restart OPCA.
  5. Stop OPCA.