Migrating the controller with the IWSZSELFUPGRADE application

You can upgrade the HCL Workload Automation for Z controller in an automatic way, with only few manual steps, by using the IWSZSELFUPGRADE application that is provided with the product.

In IWSZSELFUPGRADE, the jobs requiring manual actions are defined as dummy operations on a manual start and completion workstation.

IWSZSELFUPGRADE is provided in batch loader and Workload Automation Programming Language formats that you can import by using the EQQUPGBL or EQQUPGWA sample, respectively.

After importing the IWSZSELFUPGRADE application, to migrate an HCL Workload Automation for Z controller complete the following procedure.
  1. Before running IWSZSELFUPGRADE, ensure that you set VARSUB=YES in the OPCOPTS statement.
  2. If you are using JES3 exit, modify the operations 004 and 005 in IWSZSELFUPGRADE to replace EQQJES2 and EQQJES21 with EQQJES3.
  1. Copy IWSZSELFUPGRADE to the Application Description.
  2. Customize the following jobs as required for your migration purposes:
    To allocate the data sets required to run EQQJOBS.
    To mark as NOP all the operations that install or migrate optional functions (such as Restart and Cleanup or Reporting) that you do not use.
    To copy the load modules EQQSSCMx and EQQINITx to the user library that needs to be APF authorized and added to the z/OS system LINKLIST.
    To copy the old PARMLIB to the new PARMLIB.
  3. Add the IWSZSELFUPGRADE application to the current plan.
    The following operations are run automatically or wait for your manual intervention:
    Operation 001 (automatic)
    The data sets required for EQQJOBS are allocated.
    Operation 002 (manual)
    You are required to run EQQJOBS and copy the generated sample JCLs to the job library data set (EQQJBLIB).
    Note: Ensure that in the Create Sample Job JCL (EQQJOBS3) panel, you specify the //&OJOBNAME JOB card in the Job Statement Information field.
    Operation 003 (automatic)
    The NOPJOB job is run.
    Operations 004, 005, and 006 (automatic)
    The samples generated by EQQJOBS named EQQJES2, EQQJES21, and EQQSMF are run to link the JES2 and SMF exits.
    Note: If you are using JES3 exit, you must have modified the operations running EQQJES2 and EQQJES21 to an operation running EQQJES3.
    Operation 009 (manual)
    You are required to manually update the following members:
    • IEFSSNnn defined for the load modules EQQINITx and EQQSSCMx.
    • IKJTSOnn defined for the load module EQQMINOx.
    For detailed information about the load modules, see Load modules.
    Operations from 010 to 113 (automatic)
    The following jobs are automatically run, unless you marked them as NOP.
    Note: Because EQQPCS02 contains system symbols, if you want to use them you must make EQQPCS02 a started task or batch job by copying it to a procedure library. Then, define the workstation where this operation is run as STARTED TASK, STC = Y.
    • EQQPCS01
    • EQQPCS02
    • EQQPCS03
    • EQQPCS04
    • EQQPCS07
    • EQQPCS08
    • EQQPCS09
    • EQQPCS10
    • EQQPCS11
    • EQQPCS12
    • EQQPCS13
    Operation 120 (manual)
    You are required to update the controller startup procedure.
    Operation 130 (automatic)
    The EQQICNVS sample job is automatically run to migrate the VSAM data sets.
    Operation 150 (automatic)
    The COPYMOD job is automatically run to copy the load modules EQQSSCMx and EQQINITx to the PARMLIB.
    Operation 151 (automatic)
    The COPYPARM job is automatically run to copy the old PARMLIB to the new PARMLIB.
    Operation 152 (manual)
    You are required to update the new PARMLIB as required.

After the IWSZSELFUPGRADE application completes successfully, you can start the subsystem that was migrated.