Load modules

Decide if you want to use the same data set name for the HCL Workload Automation for Z load modules as your previous environment. However, consider the additional effort required on your part to coordinate the JCL changes required for callers of HCL Workload Automation for Z services such as:

If the HCL Workload Automation for Z load library is not referenced in the STEPLIB DD statement, ensure that the HCL Workload Automation for Z library is listed first in the LNKLST concatenation and that the library remains empty until you are ready to cut over to HCL Workload Automation for Z on the production system. Then copy the load modules into the library and perform an LLA refresh.

Two HCL Workload Automation for Z load modules must always be in a LNKLST library:
The subsystem initialization module
The subsystem communication module.
However, this does not mean that you must reinitialize the subsystem to cut over HCL Workload Automation for Z to production. The module names defined for EQQINITx and EQQSSCMx in the SYS1.PARMLIB subsystem name table (IEFSSNnn) can be overridden when an HCL Workload Automation for Z address space is created.

The EQQMINOx load module requires special attention. EQQMINOx is the scheduler's dialog interface module, is invoked by TSO SERVICES, and passes dialog requests and data to the controller. EQQMINOx must run APF authorized, therefore it must reside in an authorized library. By this token, keep in mind that any unauthorized library in a STEPLIB or LIBDEF concatenation makes the entire concatenation unauthorized. So remember to identify the library where EQQMINOx resides.

Use the BUILDSSX parameter of the OPCOPTS initialization statement to rebuild the environment created during subsystem initialization at the new software level. When the address space is terminated, the previous environment is reinstated, thereby ensuring fallback to a previous release of HCL Workload Automation for Z.

SSCMNAME keyword of the OPCOPTS initialization statement can be used to permanently, or temporarily, replace the EQQSSCMx module that was loaded into common storage at IPL. When the TEMPORARY value is defined, the named module is loaded into private storage of the HCL Workload Automation for Z address space, therefore events created while the address space is not active will use the EQQSSCMx from the previous IPL. When PERMANENT is specified, the old EQQSSCMn in common storage is replaced.

Note: Create backup copies of the old load module library before you replace the objects.